[ plaza / meta ]


Global Rules

  1. The rules are subject to change at any time, and ultimately serve as guidelines.
    Moderator and admin discretion is final.
  2. Do not evade moderation (bans, file/post deletion, etc).
  3. Unless otherwise stated, all boards are "safe-for-work".
    Do not post sexual content of an explicit or borderline nature.
  4. Do not post "shock content" that is deliberately meant solely to offend or disgust.
  5. Do not encourage or engage in hateful or bigoted behavior.
    The use of any slur directed towards minority groups is highly likely to result in moderation, regardless of intent.
  6. Do not promote or participate in personal harassment or community "raids".
  7. Do not "flood" or spam the site with low-quality or repetitive posts.
  8. Do not make "bait" threads in bad faith meant to incite pointless conflict or anger.
  9. Avoid creating duplicate threads about the same topic.
    Use the board's catalog to check for existing threads before starting a new one.
  10. Use spoiler tags for applicable images and text, erring on the side of caution.
    Make sure it's clear what the spoilers are for if it isn't obvious from the context.
  11. The posting guidelines (included below), while not clear-cut rules, should be considered when posting.
    Patterns of posting that run against the spirit of the guidelines may result in moderation.

Posting Guidelines