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i need an opinion. from you, amazing people from my computer, is my expressive snail cool ? ?
-his name is Cheesecake
is he cool ?


yeah, I think they look cool!
the colors (skin and shell) do remind me of basque cheesecake, is that where you got the name? what makes them "expressive"?


i luv snails


hes so cute


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Yep, he is cool, like the other anon said he's got his name right


cheesie is expressive,, cus he do faces alot, it dosent show any emotion, but looks funny ! !


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what kind of stuff do they eat?


He is very awesome, and his name alone is just highly epic


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mostly veggies! not all of them,, tbh, they have own personal favs! Cheesie likes pears and tomatoes. but hates apples!

also,, its really important to feed them calcium! or else their shells can be REALLY fragile,, quick notes i found! bless,,


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