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File: e9bd80b6045b57b7a89209ed38….jpg (580.26 KB, 1488x2232)


wearing a blanket at my desk for the first time in ~5 years. feels pretty nice. try it!


File: lunchtrooper.jpg (503.05 KB, 960x1200)

Tried this out for a nice little while with the silly Star Wars fleece I was gifted this Christmas, after a nice shower. I like it, but I don't know if I like it enough to do it a lot. I feel tingly, but I think the remaining shower droplets that I missed when drying are causing that. Funny, though, that I also recently have been pulling my Darth Vader onesie out of the depths of my closet to wear as pajamas. I wonder how both of these would feel. I should also try it with a heavier blanket, though the new fleece is so soft!


oh, I mean, I'm still wearing clothes underneath, lol. I just haven't draped a blanket over myself while not sleeping in a long while. I bet soft blankets feel really nice on bare skin too though

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