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/meta/ is a board for discussing Marzichan itself.

This is the place to:
- Ask questions about the site
- Report bugs/issues
- Request new features, boards, rules, etc.
- Propose or discuss changes to the site

Make sure to check the FAQ before posting to see if your question has already been answered!
Off-topic posts may be moved or deleted.
R: 9 / I: 1

theme tweaks

after staring at the site's colors for a long while, I realized I really wanted higher contrast between the replies and the background, to give them that nice, blocky post-it note look.

the reply boxes are already quite dark, so I decided to lighten the background considerably. it's quite jarring at first, but I think the rest of the elements really pop now, and they help keep the site looking purple. I also darkened the reply drop shadows for the same reason.

let me know what you think!

picrel is the OLD color scheme for comparison
R: 9 / I: 1
I swear this website spontaneously breaks every couple of weeks. If it wasn't so inactive I would be suspicious
R: 5 / I: 3

What the fuck is this place meant to be?

What's the history?

-Another user from Megidochan.
R: 1 / I: 0

Hello from wapchan.org!

Hello Marzichan!
Since we're now net friends, I figured I'd introduce our site.
https://wapchan.org is mostly focused around retro anime, manga, and games, with a particular focus on the works of Rumiko Takahashi. We also host /kind/, a very relaxed board for kindposting.
Come visit us sometime.
R: 8 / I: 4


Yo Marzichan I made a banner for you guys. Actually I made 2 lol. hope you guys like em and don't mind if i post em
-rads (rotting angels guy)
R: 6 / I: 2
Hi! How did you do this that reply links are under the post?
It's very useful and I'd love to apply this to my vichan imageboard.
R: 2 / I: 1

Can I post a first, in the form of a question?

Just asking for a friend.
